Disc Information

Disc Description
More flex than the ‘Bighorn’, using our ‘Grip Performance’ plastic stays grippy without getting too slippery when wet. A confidence inspiring disc in all weather and a great cold weather gamer putter. Slightly over-stable but all in all a point and shoot putter. It’s deep rim with a tiny bead is very comfortable in the hand, and the disc seems to glide effortlessly.
Grip Performance Plastic – Firm rubber with a bit of flexibility and excellent grip in all weather conditions/temperatures. Grip improves with use.
Animal Info
The polar bear is the world’s largest land predator and typically preys on seals. These powerful mammals roams the Arctic ice sheets and coastal waters of Northern Canada. Male polar bears may grow 10 feet tall and can weigh over 1600 pounds (720 kilograms). In the wild polar bears live up to age 30 years.
Polar bears live in one of the planet’s coldest environments and depend on a thick coat of insulated fur. They look white because each hollow (tube shaped) hair reflects the light and traps the sun’s infrared heat to keep warm. These bears are very strong swimmers and have been known to swim up to 100 miles (161 kilometers) at a stretch.
Flight Rating Descriptions
SPEEDÂ Speed is the ability of the disc to cut through the air. Speed Ratings are listed from 1 to 14. Discs with high numbers are faster. Faster discs go farther into the wind with less effort. Slower discs take more power
to throw, but have less of a chance
to fly past the basket.
GLIDE Glide describes the discs ability to maintain loft during flight. Discs with more glide are best for new players, and for producing maximum distance (especially downwind). Glide is rated from 1 to 7. Beginners looking for more distance should choose discs with more glide.
TURN High Speed Turn is the tendency of a disc to turn over or bank to the right (for righthand backhand throws) during the initial part of the flight. A disc with a +1 rating is most resistant to turning over, while a -5 rating will turn the most. Discs rated -2 to -5 make good roller discs.
FADE Low Speed Fade is the discs tendency to hook left (for righthand backhand throws) at the end of the flight. Fade is rated from 0 to 5. A disc rated 0 will finish straightest, while a disc rated 5 will hook hard at the end of the flight. Discs with a high fade rating are predicable even in wind.